Mya arenaria (Myacidae, Molluscs)

Common names:Sandklaffmuschel (DE), almindelig sandmusling (DK), liiva-uurikkarp (EE), hietasimpukka (FI), Sandskel (IS), Smelinuke (LT), Strandgaper (NL), Małgiew piaskołaz (PL), Sandmusslan (SE), Vanlig sandskjell (SJ)
Synonymes:Mya communis, Mya lata, Mya acuta, Mya mercenaria,, Mya lata, Mya mercenaria, Mya communis
Habitats:Estuaries and brackish areas, Marine habitats
Resources: Fact sheet Google image search
New search Term explanations
Country Introduction year Status Frequency Invasiveness
Denmark (DK) Established Common Invasive
Estonia (EE) Established Very common Invasive
Finland (FI) Established Not known Not known
Germany (DE) 1000s Established Not known Not known
Iceland (IS) <1958 Established Very common Not known
Lithuania (LT) 1100s Established Local Not invasive
Netherlands (NL) Established Not known Not known
Poland (PL) Not known Not known Potentially invasive
Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJ) Established Common Potentially invasive
Sweden (SE) 1200s Established Common Invasive


Invasiveness legend


Frequency legend