Heterogaster urticae in Norway

Species name:Heterogaster urticae
Common names:
Habitats:Not known
Time of introduction:2006
Year of first report:2006
Type of introduction:Unintentional
Distribution details:
Donor area:
Frequency:Not known
Invasiveness:Potentially invasive
Impact:Not known
Comments:High invasion potential and no known ecological effect
Last updated12-06-2012 (day-month-year)
Resources: Google image search
  • Solhøy T. 1977. Provisorisk bestemmelsestabell. Vestlandets terrestre gastropoder Zoologisk Museum, Univ. i Bergen 29 s.
  • Southwood, T.R.E. & Leston, D. 1959. Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles. Warne, London. [CD-ROM versjon]. 436 pp.
  • Stegenga H, Karremans M, Simons J 2007. Zeewieren van de voormalige oesterputten bij Yerseke. Gorteria 32: 125-143
  • Yakovlev, Y.M. and Varskovsky, V.E 1993. The Toxic Krestovik Medusa Gonionemus vertens. Russian Journal of Marine Biology Vol 19: 287-294
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