Oncorhynchus mykiss in Denmark

Species name:Oncorhynchus mykiss
Common names:Regnbueørred
Synonymes:Fario gairdneri, Onchorhynchus mykiss, Onchorrhych
Habitats:Marine habitats, Watercourses
Time of introduction:
Year of first report:1894
Type of introduction:Intentional
Distribution details:The American natural range goes from the Kuskokwim River region of Alaska to the Baja California Peninsula and the coastal rivers of Mexico. In Asia it is native from Kamchatka and south to the Amur drainage, Siberia
Donor area:
Invasiveness:Not invasive
Comments:Intentionally introduced from Germany in 1894, occurs in rivers. Oncorhynchus mykiss is introduced via aquaculture, and the populations are sustained by continuous releases and escapes from hatcheries and farms. Successful reproduction in nature is rare.
Last updated10-01-2016 (day-month-year)
Resources: Google image search
  • Carl, H. Nielsen, J.G., Møller, P.R. 2004. En kommenteret og revideret oversigt over danske fisk. Flora og Fauna 110(2): 29-20.
  • Henrik Carl, Zoologisk Museum, www.fiskeatlas.dk
  • Jørgen Dahl, Ferskvandsfiskerilab., Silkeborg.1987, Pers. comm
  • Jørgen G. Nielsen, Zool Mus, København; 12 marts 2005, Pers. comm
  • Larsen,K., 1969. Fiskene i de rindende vande. Danmarks Natur Bd.5: 119-162. Nørrevang,A. & Meyer,T.J. (red.). Politiken.
  • Muus,B.J. & Dahlstrøm,P., 1967. Europas Ferskvandsfisk. Gad.
  • Muus,B.J., 1970, Fisk. Danmarks Dyreverden. Bd.4. Hvass,H. (red.). Rosenkilde og Bagger.
  • Paludan,K., 1971. Dyr der er forsvundet, og dyr der er kommet til. Danmarks Natur Bd.11: 243-260. Nørrevang,A. & Meyer,T.J. (red.). Politiken.
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