Columba livia in Poland

Species name:Columba livia
Common names:Gołąb skalny
Habitats:Not known
Time of introduction:
Year of first report:
Type of introduction:Not known
Distribution details:
Donor area:
Frequency:Not known
Impact:Disease transmission
Last updated28-01-2011 (day-month-year)
Resources: Google image search
  • DeHerdt P., Devriese L., DeGroote B., Ducatelle R., Haesbrouck F. 1993 Antibiotic treatment of Streptococcus bovis infections in pigeons, Avian Pathology, 22, 605-615
  • Goodwin D. 1977 Pigeons and doves of the world, Cornell University Press
  • Haag D. 1991 . Population density as a regulator of mortality among eggs and nestlings of feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Basel, Polish Scientific Publ., Warszawa
  • Haag-Wackernagel, Śpiewak R. 2004 Human infestation by pigeon fleas (Ceratophyllus columbae) from feral pigeons, Ann. Agric. Environ. Med., 11, 343–346
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  • Literak I., Hejlicek K., Folk C., Smoła J., Treml F., Cizek A. 1990 The importance of feral populations of Columba livia f. domestica In transmission of some infectious diseases, Praga
  • Markier D., Vindevogel H. 2006 Virial infections In pigeons, The Veterinary Journal, 172, 40-51
  • Murton R., Coombs C., Thearle R. 1972 Ecological studies of the feral pigeon Columba livia var.III. Reproduction and plumage polymorphism, Journal of Applied Ecology, 11, 841-854
  • Walasz K. 2000 Gołąb skalny (gołąb miejski) Columba livia. W: Walasz K. (red.). Atlas ptaków zimujących Małopolski, Małopolskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne
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