Salvelinus fontinalis in Norway

Species name:Salvelinus fontinalis
Common names:bekkerøye
Habitats:Not known
Time of introduction:1850
Year of first report:1850
Type of introduction:Intentional
Distribution details:
Donor area:
Frequency:Not known
Invasiveness:Not invasive
Impact:Not known
Comments:Moderate invasion potential and minor ecological effect
Last updated12-06-2012 (day-month-year)
Resources: Google image search
  • Graham, Alastair 1988. Molluscs: Prosobranch and Pyramidellid Gastropods - keys and notes for the identification of the species Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series) 2 (Second edition): 1-662
  • Hesthagen, T. & Sandlund, O.T. 2007. Non-native freshwater fishes in Norway: history, consequences and prospects. Journal of Fish Biology 71 (Supplement D):: 173-183
  • Kjersti Sjøtun 1997. A new observation of Crepidula fornicata (Prosobranchia, Calypraeidae) in western Norway Sarsia 82: 275-276
  • Kjøsnes, A.J. & Solem, Ø. 2003. Kartlegging av langtidsverter for Gyrodactylus salaris i Drivavassdraget ABC Oppdragsmelding 2: 1-14.
  • Kleiven, E. & Hesthagen, T. 2012. Fremmede fiskearter i ferskvann i Aust-Agder - Historikk, status og konsekvenser. NINA Rapport nr 665.
  • Langeland, A. 1992. Kanadarøye - biologi og konsekvenser ved utsetting i Norge. NINA Forskningsrapport 23: 1-22
  • Provan, J., Booth, D., Todd, N.P., Beatty, G.E. & Maggs, C.A 2008. Tracking biological invasions in space and time: elucidating the invasive history of the green alga Codium fragile using old DNA. Diversity and Distrubutions 14: 343-354
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