Acipenser ruthenus in Denmark

Species name:Acipenser ruthenus
Common names:Sterlet
Synonymes:Acipenser aleutensis, Acipenser dubius, Acipenser
Habitats:Under human management
Time of introduction:
Year of first report:2005
Type of introduction:Intentional
Distribution details:Russia
Donor area:
Status:Not established
Invasiveness:Not invasive
Impact:Not known
Comments:Introduced for aquaculture in 1958 and found for the first time in the wild in 2005. The specimen from 2005 is believed to stem from a garden pond.
Last updated10-01-2016 (day-month-year)
Resources: Google image search
  • Jørgen Dahl, Ferskvandsfiskerilab., Silkeborg.1987, Pers. comm
  • Jørgen G. Nielsen, Zool Mus, København; 12 marts 2005, Pers. comm
  • Muus,B.J. & Dahlstrøm,P., 1967. Europas Ferskvandsfisk. Gad.
  • Muus,B.J., 1970, Fisk. Danmarks Dyreverden. Bd.4. Hvass,H. (red.). Rosenkilde og Bagger.
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