Acheta domesticus in Denmark

Species name:Acheta domesticus
Common names:Husfårekylling
Habitats:Under human management
Time of introduction:
Year of first report:1600
Type of introduction:Unintentional
Distribution details:northern part of Africa
Donor area:
Status:In captivity/culture
Frequency:Not known
Invasiveness:Not invasive
Impact:Not known
Comments:The species might be imported with buidings materials and package materials, as they are often found at new construction sites.
Last updated10-01-2016 (day-month-year)
Resources: Google image search
  • Henriksen,K.L., 1939. Fremmede gæster i vor Orthopod fauna. Ent.Meddr.20: 195-211.
  • Holst,K. T., 1986: The Saltatoria of Northern Europe. Fauna Ent.Scand. Vol.16, E.J.Brill.
  • Holst,K.T., 1970b. Kakerlakker, Græshopper og Ørentviste. Danmarks Fauna Bd.79. Gad.
  • Holst,K.Th., 1970. Danmarks Dyreverden Bd. 2: 9-70. Hvass,H (red.). Rosenkilde og Bagger.
  • Jørgensen,J., 1982. Havebrugzoologi for have og landskab. DSR forlag, Kbh.
  • Keiding,J., 1970. Byer og huse som levested. Danmarks Natur Bd.9: 347-371. Nørrevang,A. & Meyer,T.J. (red.). Politiken.
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