Marenzelleria neglecta in Sweden

Species name:Marenzelleria neglecta
Common names:
Synonymes:Marenzellaria viridis
Habitats:Estuaries and brackish areas
Time of introduction:2002
Year of first report:2002
Type of introduction:Unintentional
Distribution details:Northwest Atlantic
Donor area:
Impact:Resource allocation, Abiotic changes
Comments:Southern, Midlle and Northern Baltic
Last updated24-06-2010 (day-month-year)
Resources: Fact sheet Google image search
  • Blank, M., Laine, A.O., Jürss, K., Bastrop, R. (2008). Molecular identification key based in PCR/RFLP for three polychaete sibling species of the genus Marenzelleria and the species' current distribution in the Baltic Sea, Helgoland Marine Research 62:129
  • Jansson, K. (1994). Introduced Species in the Marine Environment, Introductions to the Baltic Sea and the Swedish West Coast - SEPA Report No. 4357. Stockholm: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Persson, L.-E. (1991). Övervakning av mjukbottenfaunan vid Sveriges sydkust - Rapport från verksamheten 1990. - SNV Rapport 4015. Statens Naturvårdsverk.
  • Sneli, J.-A. (1983). Larvae of Lepas anatifera L. 1758, in the North Sea (Cirripedia). - Crustaceana 45: 306-308.
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