Potamopyrgus antipodarum in Sweden

Species name:Potamopyrgus antipodarum
Common names:Tusensnäcka
Synonymes:Potamopyrgus jenkinsi
Habitats:Marine habitats, Estuaries and brackish areas, Lakes, Watercourses
Time of introduction:1887
Year of first report:1887
Type of introduction:Unintentional
Distribution details:New Zealand
Donor area:
Impact:Competition, Disease transmission, Socio-economic
Comments:Found in Baltic Sea from orthernmost Gulf of Bothina to Falsterbo in southernmost Baltic, and alonf the west coast
Last updated11-03-2011 (day-month-year)
Resources: Fact sheet Google image search
  • Alien species in Swedish seas and coastal areas. 2006. Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Fact Sheet. http://www.frammandearter.se/0/2english/pdf/Potamopyrgus_antipodarum.pdf Date of Access 2011-03-11
  • Informationscentralerna. 2005. Främmande arter i svenska hav. http://tmbl.gu.se/uf/aliens/index.html.
  • Jansson, K. (1994). Introduced Species in the Marine Environment, Introductions to the Baltic Sea and the Swedish West Coast - SEPA Report No. 4357. Stockholm: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
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