Prorocentrum minimum in Denmark

Species name:Prorocentrum minimum
Common names:
Habitats:Marine habitats
Time of introduction:
Year of first report:1981
Type of introduction:Unintentional
Distribution details:
Donor area:
Status:Not established
Impact:Not known
Comments:Believed to have spread from massive bloom in outer Oslo fjord i 1979 to Danish waters where it was discovered in 1981. Initial introduction to Scandinavia is believed to be through ballast water.
Last updated10-01-2016 (day-month-year)
Resources: Google image search
  • Granéli, E. 1987 . Dinoflagellatblomningar, Förekomst, orsaker och konsekvenser i marin miljö Dinoflagellate blooms. - SNV Rapport 3293. Stockholm: Statens naturvårdsverk
  • Jansson, K. 1994 . Introduced Species in the Marine Environment, Introductions to the Baltic Sea and the Swedish West Coast - SEPA Report No. 4357. Stockholm: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Wallentinus, I. 1999 . Introductions and Transfers of Plants. - In: Status of Introductions of Non-Indigenous Marine Species to North Atlantic Waters 1981-1991, ICES Cooperative Research Report, No 231. Copenhagen: ICES.
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