Cercopagis pengoi in Estonia

Species name:Cercopagis pengoi
Common names:vesikirp
Habitats:Estuaries and brackish areas
Time of introduction:1992
Year of first report:1992
Type of introduction:Unintentional
Distribution details:Ponto Caspian
Donor area:
Impact:Predation, Resource allocation, Competition, Socio-economic
Last updated28-01-2008 (day-month-year)
Resources: Fact sheet Google image search
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  • Ojaveer, E. 2001. Veeökosüsteemid. In: Kukk, T., Kull, T., Lilleleht, V & Ojaveer, H. Võõrliigid Eestis: kes on tulnuktaimed- ja loomad ning mida nendega peale hakata. Keskkonnaministeerium, Tallinn. 23 pp.
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  • Ojaveer, H., Lankov, A., Eero, M., Kotta, J., Kotta, I. & Lumberg, A. 1999. Changes in the ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga from the 1970s to the 1990s. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 56, Supplement: 33-40.
  • Ojaveer, H., Leppäkoski, E., Olenin, S. & Ricciardi, A. 2002. Ecological impact of Ponto-Caspian invaders in the Baltic Sea, European inland waters and the Great Lakes: an inter-ecosystem comparison. http://www.biomareweb.org/downloads/ojaveer.pdf
  • Ojaveer, H., Simm, M. & Kotta, J. 2003. Tulnukliikide tähtsus globaliseeruvas maailmas: veeökosüsteemid. In: Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid: Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas. Eesti IX ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, Tartu, 11.-12. aprill 2003: pp 185-192. Tartu Ülikool, Tartu (summary in English).
  • Ojaveer, H., Simm, M., Lankov, A. & Lumberg, A. 2000. Consequences of invasion of a predatory cladoceran. ICES CM 2000/U:16, 12 pp. (mimeo)
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  • Strake, S. 2002. The contribution of nonindigenous Cercopagis pengoi (Ostroumov) in the mesozooplankton community and its population structure in the Gulf of Riga. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Biology, Ecology, 51: 91-102.
  • Uitto, a., Gorokhova, E. & Valipakka, P. 1999. Distribution of the non-indigenous Cercopagis pengoi in the coastal waters of the eastern Gulf of Finland. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 56, Supplement: 49-57.
  • Vanderploeg, H. A., Nalepa, T. F., Jude, D. J., Mills, E. L., Holeck, K. T., Liebig, J. R., Grigorovich, I. A. & Ojaveer, H. 2002. Dispersal and emerging ecological impacts of Ponto-Caspian species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59: 1209-1228.
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