Artemisia scoparia in Latvia

Species name:Artemisia scoparia
Common names:slotiņu vībotne
Habitats:Urban areas, Disturbed areas
Time of introduction:1901
Year of first report:1901
Type of introduction:Unintentional
Distribution details:Southwest Asia
Donor area:
Status:Not known
Invasiveness:Not invasive
Impact:Not known
Last updated27-03-2009 (day-month-year)
Resources: Google image search
  • Gavrilova Ģ., Šulcs V. 1999. Latvijas vaskulāro augu flora: Taksonu saraksts. Rīga: Latvijas Akadēmiskā bibliotēka, 136 pp.
  • Gudzinskas Z. 1997d. Conspectus of alien plant species of Lithuania. 4. Asteraceae. Botanica Lithuanica 3(4): 335-366.
  • Herbarium RIG I, University of Latvia, Department of Botany and Ecology.
  • Kupffer K.R., Lackschewitz P. 1904. Kleine Notizen. Korrespondentblatt des Naturforscher - Vereins zu Riga. Jg. 47: 126-150.
  • Kuusk V., Tabaka L., Jankevičiene R. 2003. Flora of the Baltic countries 3. Tartu, 406 pp.
  • Rothert W. 1915. Die Flora des Rigaer Zentralgüterbahnhofs. Korr.-Bl. d. Naturf.-Ver. Zu Riga, Jg. 57, S. 79-93.
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