Literature on Callinectes Sapidus

Arnold, W.S. 1984. The effects of prey size, predator size, and sediment composition on the rate of predation of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, on the hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria (Linné). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 80: 207-219.

Atar, H.H., Ölmes, M., Bekcan, S. and Seçer, S. 2002. Comparison of three different traps for catching blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun 1896) in Beymelek Lagoon. Turk Journal of Veterinary Animal Science 26: 1145-1150.

Beqiraj, S. and Kashta, L. 2010 (in press). The establishment of blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 in the Lagoon of Patok, Albania (southeast Adriatic Sea). Aquatic Invasions 5(2): (DOI 10.3391/ai2010.5.2)

Cabal, J., Millán, J.A.P. and Arronte, J.C. 2006. A new record of Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) from the Cantabrian Sea, Bay of Biscay, Spain. Aquatic Invasions 1(3): 186-187.

Comely, C.A. and Ansell, A.D. 1989. The incidence of Carcinonemertes carcinophila (Kolliker) on some decapod crustaceans from the Scottish west coast. Ophelia 30(3): 225-233.

Costlow, J.D., Jr. and Bookout, C.G. 1959. The larval development of Callinectes sapidus Rathbun reared in the laboratory. Biological Bulletin 116(3): 373-396.

Darnell, M.Z., Rittschof, D., Darnell, K.M. and McDowell, R.E. 2000. Lifetime reproductive potential of female blue crabs Callinectes sapidus in North Carolina, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 394: 153-163.

Díaz, H., Orihuela, B., Forward, R.B., Jr. and Rittschof, D. 2003. Orientation of juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, to currents, chemicals, and visual cues. Journal of Crustacean Biology 23(1): 15-22.

Eggleston, D.B. 1990. Foraging behavior of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, on juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica: effects of prey density and size. Bulletin of Marine Science 46(1): 62-82.

Eggleston, D.B. 2003. Introduction to the proceedings of the blue crab conference 2000. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2): 261-263.

Epifanio, C.E. 2003. Spawning behavior and larval ecology: a brief summary. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2): 325-330.

Florio, M.,Breber, P., Scirocco, T., Specchiulli, A., Cilenti, L. and Lumare, L. 2008. Exotic species in Lesina and Varano lakes new guests in Lesina and Varano lakes: Gargano National Park (Italy). Transitional Waters Bulletin 2: 69-79.

Främmande Arter 2006. Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus). Available at: (last accessed 10 March 2015).

Garcia, A.C., Bargu, S., Dash, P., Rabalais, N.N., Sutor, M., Morrison, W. and Walker, N.D. 2010. Evaluating the potential risk of microcystins to blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) fisheries and human health in a eutrophic estuary. Harmful Algae 9: 134-143.

Gannon, A.T. 1990. Distribution of Octolasmis muelleri, an ectocommensal gill barnacle, on the blue crab. Bulletin of Marine Science 46(1): 55-61.

Gennaio, R., Scordella, G. and Pastore, M. 2006. Occurrence of blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1896 Crustacea, Brachyura), in the Ugento Ponds area (Lecce, Italy). Thalassia Salentina 29: 29-39.

Goulletquer, P., Bachelet, G., Sauriau, P.G. and Noel, P. 2002. Open Atlantic coast of Europe – a century of introduced species into French waters. In: Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management (eds. E. Leppäkoski, S. Gollasch and S. Olenin), pp. 276-290. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Hines, A.H. 2003. Ecology of juvenile and adult blue crabs: summary of discussion of research themes and directions. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2): 423-433.

Holthuis, L.B. 1961. Report on a collection of Crustacea Decapoda and Stomatopoda from Turkey and the Balkans. Zoologische Verhandelingen 47: 1-67, plates 1-2.

Hovel, K.A. and Lipcius, R.N. 2002. Effects of seagrass habitat fragmentation on juvenile blue crab survival and abundance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 271: 75-98.

Iwasaki, K. 2006. Human-mediated introduction of marine organisms in Japan: a review. In: Assessment and Control of Biological Invasion Risks (eds. F. Koike, M.N. Clout, M. Kawamichi, M. De Poorter and K. Iwatsuka), pp. 104-112. Shoukado Book Sellers, Kyoto, Japan and IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

Jivoff, P. 1997. Sexual competition among male blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Biological Bulletin 193: 368-380.

Kerckhof, F., Haelters, J. and Golasch, S. 2007. Alien species in the marine and brackisch ecosystem: the situation in Belgian waters. Aquatic Invasions 2(3): 243-257.

Lipcius, R.N., Stockhausen, W.T., Seitz, R.D. and Geer, P.J. 2003. Spatial dynamics and value of a marine protected area and corridor for the blue crab spawning stock in Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2): 453-469.

MacDonald, J.A., Roudez, R., Glover, T. and Weis, J.S. 2007. The invasive green crab and Japanese shore crab: behavioral interactions with a native crab species, the blue crab. Biological Invasions 9(7): 837-848.

Micu, S. and Abaza, V. 2004. Changes in biodiversity of decapods (Decapoda, Crustacea) from Romanian Black Sea coast. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi, s. Biologie animală, 50: 17-26.

Nehring, S., Speckels, G. and Albersmeyer, J. 2008. The American blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun on the German North Sea coast: Status quo and further perspectives. Senckenbergiana maritima 38(1): 39-44.

Nehring, S. and van der Meer, U. 2010 (in press). First record of a fertilized female blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura), from the German Wadden Sea and subsequent secondary prevention measures. Aquatic Invasions 5(2): (DOI 10.3391/ai2010.5.2)

Ololade, I.A., Lajide, L. and Amoo, I.A. 2008. Occurrence and toxicity of hydrocarbon residues in crab (Callinectes sapidus) from contaminated site. Journal of Applied Science Environmental Management 12(4): 19-23.

Onofri, V., Dulčić, J., Conides, A., Matić-Skoko, S. and Glamuzina, B. 2008. The occurrence of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Portunidae) in the eastern Adriatic (Croatian coast). Crustaceana 81(4): 403-409.

Otani, M. 2006. Important vectors for marine organisms unintentionally introduced to Japanese waters. In: Assessment and Control of Biological Invasion Risks (eds. F. Koike, M.N. Clout, M. Kawamichi, M. De Poorter and K. Iwatsuka), pp. 92-103. Shoukado Book Sellers, Kyoto, Japan and IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

Reinhard, E.G. 1950. An analysis of the effects of a sacculinid parasite on the external morphology of Callinectes sapidus Rathbun. Biological Bulletin 98(3): 277-288.

Rome, M.S., Young-Williams, A.C., Davis, G.R. and Hines, A.H. 2005. Linking temperature and salinity tolerance to winter mortality of Chesapeake Bay blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319(1-2): 129-145.

Seed, R. 1982. Predation of the ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa by the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 16: 163-172.

Seitz, R.D., Lipcius, R.N., Hines, A.H. and Eggleston, D.B. 2001. Density-dependent predation, habitat variation, and the persistence of marine bivalve prey. Ecology 82(9): 2435-2451.

Sharov, A.F., Vølstad, J.H., Davis, G.R., Davis, B.K., Lipcius, R.N. and Montane, M.M. 2003. Abundance and exploitation rate of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2): 543-565.

Stentiford, G.D. and Shields, J.D. 2005. A review of the parasitic dinoflagellates Hematodinium species and Hematodinium-like infections in marine crustaceans. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 66: 47-50.

Tankersley, R.A., Wieber, M.G., Sigala, M.A. and Kachurak, K.A. 1998. Migratory behavior of ovigerous blue crabs Callinectes sapidus: Evidence for selective tidal-stream transport. Biological Bulletin 195: 168-173.

Tendal, O.S. and Flintegaard, H. 2007. Et fund af en sjælden krabbe i danske farvande: den blå svømmekrabbe, Callinectes sapidus (Crustacea; Decapoda; Portunidae). Flora og Fauna 113(3): 53-56.

Tuncer, S. and Bilgin, S. 2008. First record of Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Dardanelles, Canakkale, Turkey. Aquatic Invasions 3(4): 469.

Wolff, W.J. 2005. Non-indigenous marine and estuarine species in The Netherlands. Zoologische Mededelingen 79(1): 1-116.

Zaitsev, Y. and Mamaev, V. 1997. Marine biological diversity in the Black Sea. A stufy of change and decline. GEF Black Sea Environmental Programme. United Nations Publications, New York, 208pp.

Zmora, O., Findiesen, A., Stubblefield, J., Frenkel, V. and Zohar, Y. 2005. Large-scale juvenile production of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus Aquaculture 244: 129-139.