Molgula manhattensis in Norway

Species name:Molgula manhattensis
Group:Other chordates
Common names:manhattansekkdyr
Habitats:Not known
Time of introduction:<1900
Year of first report:1900
Type of introduction:Unintentional
Distribution details:
Donor area:
Frequency:Not known
Invasiveness:Not invasive
Impact:Not known
Comments:Restricted invasion potential and minor ecological effect
Last updated12-06-2012 (day-month-year)
Resources: Fact sheet Google image search
  • Brattegard, T., Holthe, T. 2001. Distribution of marine, benthic macro-organisms in Norway Utredning for DN 1997-1. Oppdatering av utredning.
  • Derbyshire, D 2008. The butterfly threatened by a grisly parasite reminiscent of the Alien films MailOnline 29 March 2008
  • Gasc, J.-P. et al. 1997. Atlas of amphibians and reptiles in Europe.
  • Harms, J. 1999. The neozoan Elminius modestus Darwin (Crustacea, Cirripedia): possible explanations for its successful invasion in European water Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 52: 337-345
  • Haugen, E. 1999. Symbionter hos kongekrabbe, Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815) fra Varangerområdet Cand.scient oppgave i zoologi, Universitetet i Bergen 44 s
  • Hillyard P. 2000. Opilio canestrinii (Thorell, 1876) -- new species record for Britain. Ocularium 3: 1--2
  • Michaelsen, J. 1985. Sjeldne fugler i Norge i 1981. Rapport fra Norsk sjeldenhetskomite for fugl (NSKF), NZF og NOF Vår Fuglefauna 8: 49-52
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