Fact sheets

The NOBANIS project provides fact sheets on some of the invasive alien species of the region, covering both animals and plant as well as microorganisms.

The NOBANIS fact sheets

The species profiles below follow the same format and provide information on the biology, ecology and distribution of the invasive alien species as well as on the impact of the species in the recipient habitats. Furthermore, management approaches are suggested. Important resources such as contact persons, links and references are also presented in the fact sheets. The fact sheets are written by experts of the region and all fact sheets are furthermore refereed by scientific experts from all NOBANIS countries - thus ensuring that the collated regional knowledge is reflected in the fact sheets.

The fact sheets presented below are not to be regarded as a consensus list of "worst invasive alien species" for the region. The fact sheets fall in several categories, some can indeed regarded as the worst invaders of the entire region, while others are only a problem in one or a few countries. In each case the impact and status of the species should be clear from the fact sheet.

There are also 30 fact sheets originating from the Identification key to marine invasive species in Nordic waters, they are presented here together with the other NOBANIS fact sheets to give an easy alphabetical overview of all the fact sheets, but are named and formatted a bit different.

"Old fact sheet versions " for species where the genus name or/and species name has changed can be found here.

  1. Acartia tonsa
  2. Acer negundo
  3. Acer pseudoplatanus
  4. Alkmaria romijni
  5. Amphibalanus improvisus
  6. Anguillicoloides crassus
  7. Anthriscus sylvestris
  8. Aphanomyces astaci
  9. Arion lusitanicus
  10. Arthurdendyus triangulatus
  11. Azolla filiculoides
  12. Boccardiella ligerica
  13. Branta canadensis
  14. Bunias orientalis
  15. Callinectes sapidus
  16. Campylopus introflexus
  17. Caprella mutica
  18. Castor canadensis
  19. Cercopagis pengoi
  20. Chattonella verruculosa
  21. Craspedacusta sowerbii
  22. Crassostrea gigas
  23. Crepidula fornicata
  24. Dreissena polymorpha
  25. Elodea callitrichoides
  26. Elodea canadensis
  27. Elodea nuttallii
  28. Ensis directus
  29. Eriocheir sinensis
  30. Ficopomatus enigmaticus
  31. Gammarus tigrinus
  32. Gyrodactylus salaris
  33. Hemimysis anomala
  34. Heracleum mantegazzianum
  35. Heracleum sosnowskyi
  36. Homarus americanus
  37. Hydrocotyle ranunculoides
  38. Impatiens glandulifera
  39. Lepas anatifera
  40. Lepomis gibbosus
  41. Lupinus nootkatensis
  42. Lupinus polyphyllus
  43. Lysichiton americanus
  44. Marenzelleria neglecta
  45. Melampsoridium hiratsukanum
  46. Mercenaria mercenaria
  47. Mimulus guttatus
  48. Mnemiopsis leidyi
  49. Molgula manhattensis
  50. Monocorophium sextonae
  51. Mya arenaria
  52. Mytilicola intestinalis
  53. Neogobius melanostomus
  54. Neovison vison
  55. Nyctereutes procyonoides
  56. Ondatra zibethicus
  57. Orconectes limosus
  58. Pacifastacus leniusculus
  59. Paralithodes camtschaticus
  60. Petricolaria pholadiformis
  61. Pontogammarus robustoides
  62. Potamopyrgus antipodarum
  63. Procyon lotor
  64. Prunus serotina
  65. Pseudobacciger harengulae
  66. Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae
  67. Pseudorasbora parva
  68. Rapana venosa
  69. Reynoutria japonica
  70. Rhithropanopeus harrisii
  71. Rosa rugosa
  72. Salmo salar
  73. Sambucus nigra
  74. Sander lucioperca
  75. Sargassum muticum
  76. Senecio inaequidens
  77. Solidago canadensis
  78. Spartina anglica
  79. Spiraea tomentosa
  80. Styela clava
  81. Venerupis philippinarum